Bamboo Housing
Bamboo as a construction material has high compressive strength and low weight has been one of the most used construction as support for concrete, especially in earthquake prone areas. Uttarakhand falls under 4th and 5th earthquake zone and prone to earthquake. Considering this and to promote the utilization of bamboo in infrastructural application, UBFDB is promoting bamboo housing in the state. UBFDB has successfully completed more than 90 structures in different parts of the State and other States the clientage includes both institutional and private entrepreneurs. Uttarakhand is among the leading states that have fixed Schedule of Rates (SOR) for bamboo construction. The Board frequently conducts training programmes to the entrepreneurs and local people in bamboo-based constructions and also gives the construction services on trunkey basis.

Resource Development
In order to produce healthy and suitable quality planting material in the form of seedling, cutting and macro-proliferation, we develop bamboo nurseries in government sector and private sector/farmers land as well. We also motivate farmers, government and non-government agencies to undertake the bamboo, ringal and natural fibres plantation under different schemes supported by Central and State Government. The Board envisages promoting holistic growth of bamboo, ringal and natural fibre sector by adopting cluster-based strategy and to increase quality and product specific raw material for its related enterprises.

Skill Development
We conduct and offer different trainings and capacity building progammes to the artisans, weavers, entrepreneurs and students who want to take up bamboo, ringal and natural fibers based employment and enterprise development in effective ways. With more than 17 years' experience in helping people and organizations realize their potential, our heritage allows us to offer you a unique learning service.
We offer the following trainings:
- Bamboo, Ringal and Natural Fiber Nursery and Plantation Management
- Ringal based handicrafts - Basketry, mat based products, lamps, packaging tokary, items for office uses.
- Bamboo Furniture Making and Handicrafts (Jewellery making, incense making, Bamboo Stick based products- chopsticks and skewers etc.)
- Bamboo Housing
- Bamboo application in agri-horti.
- Natural Fibre processing and Value addition.