Announcements / Orders:
- UBFDB Structure
- SOR of Bamboo Construction
- Ringal Collection Order
- Fiber Collection Order
- Bamboo Transit Order
- Allocation Order 2020-21 for NBM
- Guidelines for Credit Linked
- National Banboo Mission- Uttarakhand APO 2020-21
- State level executive committee NBM Uttarakhand
- Advertisement for Expression of Interest (EoI) for empanelment
- UBFDB Society Registration (New)
- UBFDB Society Registration (first)
- UBFDB Memorandum of Association
- UBFDB Bylaws
- FRDC Office Memo
- Advertisement for Establishment of Units underNational Bamboo Mission
- Enact The Indian Forest Amendment Act 2017
- Expression of Interest (EoI) for empanelment of individuals/firms/institutions to provide different services to Uttarakhand Bamboo and Fiber Development Board